
how many of you make less than 60k? age?

Pretty new to this subreddit, browsing over the posts I couldn't help but notice how many people on this subreddit are getting job offers for minimum wage or just over minimum wage, my question is, how many of you make less than 60k, how old are you? I don't mean to come off as condescending or negative, just curious as to the demographics of this subreddit, as I do enjoy the content posted here, and am very much in support of workers rights and unions. I'm a union worker, under 30 years old (barely), and earn over 60k (gross) annually.

Pretty new to this subreddit, browsing over the posts I couldn't help but notice how many people on this subreddit are getting job offers for minimum wage or just over minimum wage, my question is, how many of you make less than 60k, how old are you?

I don't mean to come off as condescending or negative, just curious as to the demographics of this subreddit, as I do enjoy the content posted here, and am very much in support of workers rights and unions.

I'm a union worker, under 30 years old (barely), and earn over 60k (gross) annually.

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