
how many out there hold multiple jobs?

I have been holding down 2 jobs (and sometimes selling plasma) for the last 8 months. One is part time, and the other full. My weeks rage from 40 – 70 hours a week. I'm doing an average of 47 hours right now. I don't spend extravagantly, my most useless purchases are just the upkeep of my 2 cats and 1 dog, but I still feel like I must hold down 2 jobs in case one leaves me for whatever reason, so I know I can be safe and always afford to keep my home and current life (which exists right above the poverty line in a poor, small town). I've seen how overspending causes despair in people and how the smaller the home, the easier it is to maintain. And I've made it a point to never grow bigger than what I can afford. In fact, I rather go…

I have been holding down 2 jobs (and sometimes selling plasma) for the last 8 months. One is part time, and the other full. My weeks rage from 40 – 70 hours a week. I'm doing an average of 47 hours right now.

I don't spend extravagantly, my most useless purchases are just the upkeep of my 2 cats and 1 dog, but I still feel like I must hold down 2 jobs in case one leaves me for whatever reason, so I know I can be safe and always afford to keep my home and current life (which exists right above the poverty line in a poor, small town).

I've seen how overspending causes despair in people and how the smaller the home, the easier it is to maintain. And I've made it a point to never grow bigger than what I can afford. In fact, I rather go much lower than comfortable for costs, so I know even in the case of disaster, I'll be okay.

While I can, my goals are to pay off as much debt as possible (car and home), and take care of things I've neglected (teeth, roof). All this overtime gives me security and a hope to come out better on the otherside.

So, my question is, how many others hold down two jobs, or more? And what are your reasons for keeping them?

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