
I’m going to be replaced at work and that’s pissing me off

I'm currently working as a substitute medical physicist at a medium-sized hospital and I'm likely to be replaced soon. Our workplace is filled with passive-aggressive individuals and there's a severe lack of communication, to the extent where no one knows what each other do. Even our boss doesn't know what we do, instead our boss has to rely on one individual (my mentor) to obtain information. It's a pretty biased source of information, if your mentor doesn't like you, right? A boss that can't form own opinions? That's pretty pathetic. Not even my mentor cares about what we do. He wants us all to work alone, not cooperate. Why am I going to be replaced? Simply because I told my mentor that there's a lack of cooperation between us physicists, a lack of care in the organization. I'm a substitute physicist. When I got the job, I had to clean…

I'm currently working as a substitute medical physicist at a medium-sized hospital and I'm likely to be replaced soon. Our workplace is filled with passive-aggressive individuals and there's a severe lack of communication, to the extent where no one knows what each other do. Even our boss doesn't know what we do, instead our boss has to rely on one individual (my mentor) to obtain information. It's a pretty biased source of information, if your mentor doesn't like you, right? A boss that can't form own opinions? That's pretty pathetic. Not even my mentor cares about what we do. He wants us all to work alone, not cooperate.

Why am I going to be replaced? Simply because I told my mentor that there's a lack of cooperation between us physicists, a lack of care in the organization. I'm a substitute physicist. When I got the job, I had to clean their mess. I had to implement a variety of methods for doing QA/QC, routine work that should have been established decades ago. I had to take on large, important projects they didn't care about. And when I asked for assistance for solving issues that are a bit silly to take on as a sole, new substitute physicist, I get the attitude. I get told that “we work independently here” or “I didn't need assistance when I started out, you've got more assistance than I did”. No shit, maybe that's why the organization is in shambles? The fact that there's a blame-game when one asks for assistance?

This is my first job. I don't know if the faults lie in me or my mentor physicist. I perceive there as being a lot of passive-aggressive behaviour. A lot of talking behind the back. I don't mind finding a new job, it however still feels like a punch in the stomach that I will get replaced simply because I'm dissatisfied with the work conditions and I want people to take responsibility for the organisation as a whole, to cooperate. To cooperate in solving issues that can literally affect patient and personell safety. I guess nobody gives a fuck. The fact that a lot of important routines and work were not established indicates that cooperation would be needed.

Really good start at ones career.

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