
How much notice do I need to give to get paid out leave?

My current work is saying I need to give 1 weeks notice per year I worked there. In my case 5 years = 5 weeks. Feels like too long, ideally would be hoping to give 2 weeks notice. I am worried that if I don’t meet their terms I won’t be able to be paid out my leave that I have accrued. They haven’t told me otherwise, but I am curious if I have any right to that money or is it just a nicety on their end to pay it out to leaving employees?

My current work is saying I need to give 1 weeks notice per year I worked there. In my case 5 years = 5 weeks.
Feels like too long, ideally would be hoping to give 2 weeks notice.
I am worried that if I don’t meet their terms I won’t be able to be paid out my leave that I have accrued.
They haven’t told me otherwise, but I am curious if I have any right to that money or is it just a nicety on their end to pay it out to leaving employees?

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