
How to ask for a bonus/raise

Hello, My friends have told me I definitely should be asking for a raise or a bonus and I am clueless about how or if it would be a good idea. At the very least, I don’t want it to have a negative outcome. I am a summer intern, only here for another month. However, when I was hired it was for an infinitely easier job. I took the new job when offered because I was bored of the easier one, but there was no raise given. My responsibilities are definitely higher now. A lot more can go wrong if I don’t do my job. On top of this, for the last two weeks, my boss has been on vacation. I am now essentially doing their job AND mine. People are reaching out with every issue because my boss is gone. My boss and their supervisor would certainly agree my…


My friends have told me I definitely should be asking for a raise or a bonus and I am clueless about how or if it would be a good idea. At the very least, I don’t want it to have a negative outcome.

I am a summer intern, only here for another month. However, when I was hired it was for an infinitely easier job. I took the new job when offered because I was bored of the easier one, but there was no raise given.

My responsibilities are definitely higher now. A lot more can go wrong if I don’t do my job. On top of this, for the last two weeks, my boss has been on vacation. I am now essentially doing their job AND mine. People are reaching out with every issue because my boss is gone.

My boss and their supervisor would certainly agree my workload has increased significantly, and they have expressed that I am being extremely helpful in my boss’ absence.

Important note: my boss makes 100k+ a year while I make $18.75 x 37H

So Question: should I ask for some sort of bonus? And should I ask for a raise? How do I go about this? I am wondering about how to word it professionally.

Thank you everyone!

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