
How to ask my Manager for a raise before i agree to become a permanent employee?

Throwaway for anonymity. I (F23) and my college friend (F26) Work with insurance companies and we are both WFH. We are both healthcare professionals. After graduating we found this job and we have a small team of 6 people who's main jobs/tasks are liaising with medical clinics and Dr's to complete insurance paperwork. I have been a casual employee (A temp, who works full time hours and has been since last year September) and i get paid higher than my friend who is now a permanent. The thing is, when we first began this position i have always been efficient and quick learning with this job since i began. Completing a lot of tasks during the day became what the manager soon started to expect from my other colleagues but they obviously couldn't keep up and my friend said i started to make her look bad because i was calling…

Throwaway for anonymity.

I (F23) and my college friend (F26) Work with insurance companies and we are both WFH. We are both healthcare professionals. After graduating we found this job and we have a small team of 6 people who's main jobs/tasks are liaising with medical clinics and Dr's to complete insurance paperwork.

I have been a casual employee (A temp, who works full time hours and has been since last year September) and i get paid higher than my friend who is now a permanent.

The thing is, when we first began this position i have always been efficient and quick learning with this job since i began. Completing a lot of tasks during the day became what the manager soon started to expect from my other colleagues but they obviously couldn't keep up and my friend said i started to make her look bad because i was calling so many clinics and scheduling a lot of appointments with Dr's to finalise patient's insurance claims. I've been working for the company for almost a year now and my manager has recently asked me if i want to change over to full time (instead of being a temp – this means i will get lower pay, but get sick days paid, holidays paid etc.) I asked him if i could think about it and get back to him. He mentioned the big boss was asking why temps are working full time hours (40 hours a week + pay rate is higher than full time & it's cheaper to hire full times)

I've been discussing it with my family and my mom said i should ask him about my pay being increased before i take permanent due to me being efficient and good at what i'm doing. (my friend/colleague is very slow and my manager has talked to her about being quicker but she is so slow that he had started to stop her caseload and put some of her cases into MINE for me to fix and pick up the slack)

I'm not sure how to approach this? i feel like if i am getting almost everything done around 100 tasks a day/calling 40 clinics a day and speaking with Dr's also and scheduling appointments that i should get more since i'm the one literally CARRYING my colleagues as they slack off and are slow only getting 10-15 things done a day? I'm trying to not let it bother me since they're slow, but that just means i'm getting a higher case load if they have told my manager they can't keep up – and then he turns their caseload off but mine is still active meaning i have more insurance claim/cases to fix.

How can i approach this to ensure i'm not being screwed over for less pay? If my manager says no, and says some BS about 'performance reviews mean higher pay' should i just state that he has seen my performance over this whole 9-10 months and how well i've been doing? or if he says no to a higher pay (permanents get around $27, but as a temp i am getting $36 – if i go on permanent i will only get $27 per hour)

I'm thinking if my manager says no, then i can just slow down with my perfomance and not do great anymore. causing everything to blow up and him to 'hire' more people as we're understaffed AND im the only one who's actually doing majority of the work.

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