
How to continue without becoming homeless?

Things are getting worse and worse at work. Sudden changes in the company has put us under immense pressure to perform. Meanwhile management take months or years to make anything better or provide us with suggested tools and resources to help us perform. They just don't listen to us or don't care. I'm so tired of them putting all the responsibility and more and more pressure on us ' lowly workers', while they're late or don't show up for meetings, rarely answer questions about things we need to know or give contradictory answers or they just don't know and never get back to us. But they require EVERYTHING from us. More and more knowledge and more and more accuracy. I'm sad deep inside and it's taking over my life!! I just don't want to be homeless or lose my home. I don't know what to do. I'm too tired to…

Things are getting worse and worse at work. Sudden changes in the company has put us under immense pressure to perform. Meanwhile management take months or years to make anything better or provide us with suggested tools and resources to help us perform. They just don't listen to us or don't care. I'm so tired of them putting all the responsibility and more and more pressure on us ' lowly workers', while they're late or don't show up for meetings, rarely answer questions about things we need to know or give contradictory answers or they just don't know and never get back to us. But they require EVERYTHING from us. More and more knowledge and more and more accuracy. I'm sad deep inside and it's taking over my life!! I just don't want to be homeless or lose my home. I don't know what to do. I'm too tired to look for jobs although I have done a lot of research, changed my CV and even gotten a new job qualification. How do I stick it out until I can find something else? Or do I just prepare to live in a tent for the summer?

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