
How to deal with a shady coworker?

I work with Ann, she and I are both senior financial analysts. Ann was on vacation and I handled her work. She returned and first thing she did was blow up teams to tell our team that her work was done wrong. I came in and explained what and how I did it. She later whispers to me and says thanks. Turns out, she was confused or forgot how it was done. She never responded to my explanation on teams. Kinda left it like I was at fault. Backstory: I have been in my position for 2 years in a demanding finance position. I was hired at entry level but in 6 months promoted to senior. Alongside me is Ann. She has been with the company for 15 years and is a senior Financial analyst as well. When I started my position, I was advised by the director to ask…

I work with Ann, she and I are both senior financial analysts. Ann was on vacation and I handled her work. She returned and first thing she did was blow up teams to tell our team that her work was done wrong. I came in and explained what and how I did it. She later whispers to me and says thanks. Turns out, she was confused or forgot how it was done. She never responded to my explanation on teams. Kinda left it like I was at fault.

Backstory: I have been in my position for 2 years in a demanding finance position. I was hired at entry level but in 6 months promoted to senior. Alongside me is Ann. She has been with the company for 15 years and is a senior Financial analyst as well. When I started my position, I was advised by the director to ask her questions only because Ann makes a lot of mistakes. Soon I noticed Ann was checking all my work and questioning me on it. I didn’t think too much of it, maybe she wanted to see another way of doing it. But she would wait for me to do certain tasks and call me out in team meetings questioning my actions. Then she moved some of my shared files, I found out because I was getting emails from management reminding me to save it, I checked cloud history and she deleted it. I asked her and she said she did it on accident. Then she will wait for me to log off before I log off for the day. I think she gets into these moments where she feels insecure and will check my work. I’ve been extra empathetic to her because she lost her significant other but it’s gotten to a point where I can’t deal with this. Any advice?

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