
How to deal with work situation

I made a confidential complaint about perceived bullying that I witnessed to HR. There were multiple other complaints made by other witnesses also. HR inadvertently went to the person I complained about and told them of my complaint – without my permission or knowledge. The situation was supposed to be dealt with gently and informally, but now that they know I made the complaint they won’t speak to me, they actively disengage in meetings, they are creating a toxic environment for the wider team and they have unfriended me from social media (we aren’t friends outside of work so I don’t really care). The complaint was against someone I work with who is emotionally immature and has a pattern of poor behaviour over a number of years. We are both leaders, however I am more senior and have directly managed this person for over a year on a temporary basis.…

I made a confidential complaint about perceived bullying that I witnessed to HR. There were multiple other complaints made by other witnesses also.

HR inadvertently went to the person I complained about and told them of my complaint – without my permission or knowledge.

The situation was supposed to be dealt with gently and informally, but now that they know I made the complaint they won’t speak to me, they actively disengage in meetings, they are creating a toxic environment for the wider team and they have unfriended me from social media (we aren’t friends outside of work so I don’t really care).

The complaint was against someone I work with who is emotionally immature and has a pattern of poor behaviour over a number of years.

We are both leaders, however I am more senior and have directly managed this person for over a year on a temporary basis.

My colleague has a history of holding grudges and icing out (not talking to) anyone who displeases them. The grudges last years. This has included their entire team resigning one of whom was their best friend, and refusing to work with multiple people in varying departments around the organisation.

As far as I’m aware, my manager has never dealt with any previous complaints formally – this person plays the victim in all areas – I’ve witnessed it on previous occasions, and my manager appears to be sucked in. Although multiple others of us can see through it.

This person lacks emotional maturity so I don’t believe there will be any benefit in talking to them about this. I have been told they are livid about the complaint and not actually regretful for their behaviour so I genuinely don’t believe there would be benefit other than playing to their victim card. I’m disappointed that I even have to be going through all this which is owing to HR’s error.

I don’t know what to do next. I’m keen to hear any perspectives on next steps here?

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