
How to handle a job that keeps scheduling me while I have class

I started a good paying job with irregular hours about 10 months ago and started grad school 8 months ago. I told them when I started that I was only part time because I needed to prioritize school. They told me they do not accomodate school schedules, but I have only been needed on weekends up until recently. I requestedd mondays off and they denied it. Now they are scheduling me on Monday’s when I have class that day. I used vacation days to get off some mondays but didn’t have enough to get off all the mondays I need for school. I will get dropped form my program if I miss class so I have been going into work and leaving early. We use a point system and despite me only having half the amount of points required for a write up. They gave me a warning that “…

I started a good paying job with irregular hours about 10 months ago and started grad school 8 months ago. I told them when I started that I was only part time because I needed to prioritize school. They told me they do not accomodate school schedules, but I have only been needed on weekends up until recently. I requestedd mondays off and they denied it. Now they are scheduling me on Monday’s when I have class that day. I used vacation days to get off some mondays but didn’t have enough to get off all the mondays I need for school. I will get dropped form my program if I miss class so I have been going into work and leaving early. We use a point system and despite me only having half the amount of points required for a write up. They gave me a warning that “ if this pattern continues “ I can get a write up for continuing to leave early. They are still scheduling me on Mondays and I am unsure of how to move forward. I need the job and can’t afford to quit. I don’t know how to approach management about it. But I think it is bs that they are threatening write ups when that is what the point system is for so I thought I was safe until I had that number if points. I have been unable to trade shifts so that is not always an option either. I’m thinking of talking to them about it but don’t even know what to say that hasn’t already been said. Worst part is they don’t even need the help on mondays because it isn’t even that busy.

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