
How to professionally resigned w/o notice and explanations.

Hello, I have been having a real difficult time at this job since I was promoted 3 months after I was hired. I told them I didn't think it was a good idea since this was a complete new field for me and they were confident that I can tackle on the task. Offered training and support, (never came). It was flattering but shortly the office knew I was getting a new job title and the coworkers would not even look my way. I brushed it off and understood but I had a lot of qualifications on my skill set and went out about my day. The person in charge of training me, would not speak to me, will roll their eyes back whenever I asked something, told me they didn't know or blandly made me feel stupid. The owner called me into his office to get updated on my…

Hello, I have been having a real difficult time at this job since I was promoted 3 months after I was hired. I told them I didn't think it was a good idea since this was a complete new field for me and they were confident that I can tackle on the task. Offered training and support, (never came). It was flattering but shortly the office knew I was getting a new job title and the coworkers would not even look my way. I brushed it off and understood but I had a lot of qualifications on my skill set and went out about my day. The person in charge of training me, would not speak to me, will roll their eyes back whenever I asked something, told me they didn't know or blandly made me feel stupid. The owner called me into his office to get updated on my training and went on to tell me to not take things personal, the person training me had a strong character and was threaten I would take their job. I was shocked to hear this and was a major rd flag, I didn't even tell them what I was going through and how they had an idea and condone that behavior. Well, forward to now I've handled my role amazingly and when I get stuck on something I don't get support (one of the reasons). For the past 3 months it has taken a toll on me and it's now affecting me physically and mentally. I am shaky, my stomach hurts, I want to cry and I get mad all the time. I come home and I am just about done with my day. I decided to quit without a back up plan. I'm not giving a two weeks notice (never have I done that). I do not want to help them transition since I was never given that courtesy. When I quit, I plan to do it end of day effective immediately. I know the questioning is coming and I don't want to provided any info. How do I go about this, professionally? How are they giving me my last check? Please advise.

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