
How to quit in good terms ?

I have been working in academia for 2 years, but my boss is a mediocre narcissist hypocrite who loves to hire and exploit people from third world countries. Luckily I got my greencard thanks to my wife recently, so this animal can’t use the tactic about the lack of funding for making me work double to reach our goal. I’m heavily considering to quit, the only problem is that for the future of my career, I unfortunately need to leave in good terms, I have been here 2 years and he is my boss. Everybody is going to reach out to him to ask about my work and my persona (which is highly professional and ethical). I noticed now that he cannot use the visa tactic, he wants to keep me around for research publications (which he was very clear he would not help me at all) but is just…

I have been working in academia for 2 years, but my boss is a mediocre narcissist hypocrite who loves to hire and exploit people from third world countries. Luckily I got my greencard thanks to my wife recently, so this animal can’t use the tactic about the lack of funding for making me work double to reach our goal.

I’m heavily considering to quit, the only problem is that for the future of my career, I unfortunately need to leave in good terms, I have been here 2 years and he is my boss. Everybody is going to reach out to him to ask about my work and my persona (which is highly professional and ethical).

I noticed now that he cannot use the visa tactic, he wants to keep me around for research publications (which he was very clear he would not help me at all) but is just a tactic to keep me hook at his job. I’m extremely underpaid and doing 5 peoples job. He don’t care about me, just about reach quotas to keep his fundings and garbage research going. He is a parasite and loves to live by the works of others.

Recently I suggested him that I will start reducing my time at work. Which he was extremely angry with me, he was visually upset and out of nowhere started a personal discussion insulting me and telling me that I’m a very unprofessional and unethical person, what I’m doing is wrong, and that I’m not allow just to look something else to do and abandon his job (I told him like a month ago that was planning to do that), I desescalate the situation, but that discussion could have ended horrible.

I feel I’m just still here because he is using manipulation tactics. I just want to leave in neutral or good terms. But I don’t know at this point how to do it. I feel even if I even give him 2 months notices he will find something to guilt trip me and talk trash.

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