
How unfairly am I being treated?

Throwaway account. It's my first job so I don't have much reference for the 'real world'. Is this normal or part of the corporate world? Any advice/support is greatly appreciated. 1) Have had to take on responsibilities of the senior people who have left (aka no real mentoring besides catch-up within their two weeks). 2) No indication of when there will be new hires despite a long stretch of little guidance. 3) Consistently having sleepless nights from crying and becoming increasingly sicker from the stress when I have a strong immune system. 4) General feeling of abandonment, hopelessness, and inferiority as I have no control over how I'm treated as I'm not part of the hiring process. Being direct made it worse. 5) Remorse for not picking up on the red flags sooner because I was naive things would be better. They have not. 6) Self-care, venting, etc. don't ease…

Throwaway account.

It's my first job so I don't have much reference for the 'real world'. Is this normal or part of the corporate world? Any advice/support is greatly appreciated.

1) Have had to take on responsibilities of the senior people who have left (aka no real mentoring besides catch-up within their two weeks).
2) No indication of when there will be new hires despite a long stretch of little guidance.
3) Consistently having sleepless nights from crying and becoming increasingly sicker from the stress when I have a strong immune system.
4) General feeling of abandonment, hopelessness, and inferiority as I have no control over how I'm treated as I'm not part of the hiring process. Being direct made it worse.
5) Remorse for not picking up on the red flags sooner because I was naive things would be better. They have not.
6) Self-care, venting, etc. don't ease the situation as they can't change the circumstances which just adds to the helplessness. I feel like I'm a cog in the machine despite rising to the challenge of understaffing.

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