
HR put me on an “Employee Development Plan” because I opened up about my mental health.

So, about 5 weeks ago I told my boss my mental health wasn’t the greatest lately. I had recently lost my mom very suddenly from cancer, mixed with a big family event coming up would’ve been the first family event since she passed. I was trying to be honest with my workplace as it was/is a very hard time; I was talking to a psychologist/counsellor and just trying to get to a better place mentally. My boss called me into his office the next week with a supervisor to discuss what the situation was and what was happening. They told me they completely understand and all that jazz. I was forthcoming, and told them basically if I just seem a off or if there’s something I missed at work that was the reason. Both my super manager and supervisor both seemed very helpful at the time. Fast forward a week,…

So, about 5 weeks ago I told my boss my mental health wasn’t the greatest lately. I had recently lost my mom very suddenly from cancer, mixed with a big family event coming up would’ve been the first family event since she passed.
I was trying to be honest with my workplace as it was/is a very hard time; I was talking to a psychologist/counsellor and just trying to get to a better place mentally. My boss called me into his office the next week with a supervisor to discuss what the situation was and what was happening. They told me they completely understand and all that jazz. I was forthcoming, and told them basically if I just seem a off or if there’s something I missed at work that was the reason. Both my super manager and supervisor both seemed very helpful at the time. Fast forward a week, I felt like I was bouncing back, less worried about work things and even though I miss my mom (and probably always will) I felt like I was performing very well.
Well fast forward to about a week ago. I get an email that there’s a meeting with HR and another supervisor. I email them back and ask what’s this about? The HR person calls and said “oh it’s nothing just going to be a good meeting and super positive” my heart sunk and my mind raced. I knew something was coming down the pipe from me opening up about my situation.
So I go upstairs later that day and there is the HR person and Supervisor. We talk for about a minute or two about the typical mental health/work stuff I opened up about. Then the HR person dropped the “bomb” that I was going to be put on an “Employee Development Plan” which basically means I’m going to be watched and under a microscope with everything I do. I now have to fill out daily performance logs, and write down exactly what I did/was part of at work, for how long etc etc. Basically I know they are trying to find a reason to let me go because they don’t want to risk my mental health becoming more of an issue.
But fuck them. Like I was trying to do the right thing and they basically toss you away at the first sign of weakness.

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