
HR used only fans against a coworker.

So, in the employment ToS of a company I am contracted for, they added a new line a few months ago to the employment contracts of newly hired workers/contractors as well as everyone who was renewing their employment contracts, and got everyone to sign it. The requirement basically said that for the image of the company, all employees must not have nudes of them widely circulated. Well, lo and behold, my department that I write documentation for got the automation mandate by the corporate suits. Chatgpt was a part of that process. And quite a few people had their jobs automated. I know, because I was consulted during the automation process. I write documentation. And then the layoffs came. However, this time corporate had a new trick up their sleeves. They pulled in 3 of the girls who had been working for the company for a few years who were…

So, in the employment ToS of a company I am contracted for, they added a new line a few months ago to the employment contracts of newly hired workers/contractors as well as everyone who was renewing their employment contracts, and got everyone to sign it. The requirement basically said that for the image of the company, all employees must not have nudes of them widely circulated.

Well, lo and behold, my department that I write documentation for got the automation mandate by the corporate suits. Chatgpt was a part of that process. And quite a few people had their jobs automated. I know, because I was consulted during the automation process. I write documentation. And then the layoffs came. However, this time corporate had a new trick up their sleeves. They pulled in 3 of the girls who had been working for the company for a few years who were due for replacement by automation. Instead of getting laid off with a 10k parachute to be able to pay for housing while they find a new job, instead they got fired. Why? They had only fans accounts in the past, and the company basically said this was against the terms of their new employment contract, and that they shouldn't have signed it, because they were ineligible for contract renewal under the new terms.

I have no proof, but the fact that HR knew that all 3 of the girls had onlyfans, and waited to pull the plug to use it on them is indicative that HR knew about the OF activity and waited to weaponize it until it was time to fire them. And legally because the girls had it in their employment contracts, the company is technically legally allowed to pull this shitty stunt.

Be very very careful with OF. Like…. extremely fucking careful. If you ever get a worthwhile job that is worth fighting for in court over if you lose it, OF can be used against you with this contract to take it away and further hurt us. Everyone in the office is talking about it over the grapevine and some of the other employees are looking for other jobs now. However if you read the employment contracts in the insurance business for representatives for heavy equipment manufacture and industrial facilities, all of the employment contracts are adding variations of this provision. I hope this doesn't spread beyond our industry, but it might. And if it does, soooo many people are gonna get screwed to give more profits for shareholders. Then again, chat gpt is replacing all of the jobs. ;_;

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