
Human Resources: Business Casual

I work in an office cubicle 5 days a week, Mon-Fri. I see the same 15 or so people day in and day out, with no public encounters of any time. The dress code is business casual Mon-Thurs, but you can wear jeans on Friday. Today I was wearing jeans with a loose buttoned flannel over a tasteful T-shirt as it was a bit chilly in the office. One of our HR employees, who works ONE DAY in office, and 4 days from home, wasn't happy to see my attire and instead of chatting to me about it, went immediately to my manager to complain. My manager is an undoubtedly cool person, and had a very chill conversation about it with me. They understand that it is stupid, they think HR is overreacting in policing me one day away from Friday for wearing jeans (I need to do laundry, just…

I work in an office cubicle 5 days a week, Mon-Fri. I see the same 15 or so people day in and day out, with no public encounters of any time. The dress code is business casual Mon-Thurs, but you can wear jeans on Friday.

Today I was wearing jeans with a loose buttoned flannel over a tasteful T-shirt as it was a bit chilly in the office. One of our HR employees, who works ONE DAY in office, and 4 days from home, wasn't happy to see my attire and instead of chatting to me about it, went immediately to my manager to complain.

My manager is an undoubtedly cool person, and had a very chill conversation about it with me. They understand that it is stupid, they think HR is overreacting in policing me one day away from Friday for wearing jeans (I need to do laundry, just haven't gotten around to it yet).

Do I have any way of biting back on this? It is a bit ludicrous being as they couldn't even talk to me face-to-face and instead went to my manager, this particular HR worker doesn't work full weeks in the office anyway, and they have been seen breaking their own dresscode from time to time.

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