
“Husband fired or quit for the umpteenth time” post on another sub (Usernames redacted).

The post ( my comments below ): My (29F) husband (31M) got fired again today. He had, no lie, maybe 10 to 20 jobs in the 6 years we’ve been together. He never had to give a 2 weeks’ notice. I don’t think there’s been a year where he hasn’t been on unemployment. He constantly blamed the industry, bosses, coworkers or the companies for the reason he keeps getting fired. But it’s never his fault. I’m sick of it. Every time he gets quits/ get fired, I have to pick up the slack. Last time this happened, he said he would get a job ‘right away’ but took 4 months and had to dip into our saving significantly since unemployment only provided so much. I’m tired of being the financially responsible one and the responsible one in general. When he is unemployed, he just sleeps all day, plays guitar, or…

The post ( my comments below ): My (29F) husband (31M) got fired again today. He had, no lie, maybe 10 to 20 jobs in the 6 years we’ve been together. He never had to give a 2 weeks’ notice. I don’t think there’s been a year where he hasn’t been on unemployment. He constantly blamed the industry, bosses, coworkers or the companies for the reason he keeps getting fired. But it’s never his fault. I’m sick of it. Every time he gets quits/ get fired, I have to pick up the slack. Last time this happened, he said he would get a job ‘right away’ but took 4 months and had to dip into our saving significantly since unemployment only provided so much. I’m tired of being the financially responsible one and the responsible one in general. When he is unemployed, he just sleeps all day, plays guitar, or watch TV/ movies. He does the same amount of chores whether he is working or not, maybe even less since he’s depressed. He sleeps all morning but won’t apply to jobs after noon since employers don’t like that (his words). I proof read his resume one time and it had so many spelling and grammatical mistakes I can see why only the desperate hire him. For example, it said “mountain relationship with customers” instead of “maintain”. But he says employers don’t care about small things like that and I tell him they do. He won’t let me help with applying. Right now I’m at writing this at work trying to keep my sanity and questioning my life choices that led me to be married to this man-child who can’t hold down a job.

Edit: Thank you to everyone who provided input. It means a lot that a bunch of strangers on the internet will listen to me complain. For some clarification, yes my husband has diagnosed mental health issues and takes medication and goes to therapy. We don't have kids. I'm going to have a serious talk with him tonight which may or may not end in an ultimatum. Not sure yet

Edit 2: We talked. And I brought up divorce but when I came down to it, I couldn't do it. Sorry to disappoint you all who suggested it. His mental health and growing up in foster care are a big part of his issues with authority. He has no problem speaking up for myself which gets him in trouble. He's applying to jobs and is going to go to therapy to deal with his issues. I need to go to. Having a partner with his conditions is a lot. And I want to be supportive of him but I honestly don't know how without getting angry. He can't promise me this won't happen again so at least he's honest. We will see if we have another fight about this in 6 months


What would have been my comment: While the situation you're in is understandable from your perspective. This isn't an unwillingness to work or problem with authority. The job market is diluted these days with really selfish and entitled management. Particularly in urban areas, business is high and productivity needs to meet that. This causes stress for managers to over-perform to a point where they become raging assholes due to corporate requirements. This has an impact on quality of life trickling down from the top. Many business run short staffed on top of this due to corporate limits on hiring. Causing managers to over-schedule their employees but still screw them on overtime.

Manager (salaried) begins overloading lower staff (hourly down to minimum wage) because “if I do it you can too” . When in actuality they get all the time in the world to sit in an office “doing paperwork” ( sitting, listening to music, posting on reddit from work ), while the literal wage slaves do more than their share of the heavy lifting and labor. When the job doesn't get finished ( because they weren't helping like they claimed they “always do” ) they then start making threats and throwing out write-ups. This lowers morale, and you know what they do to try and boost it back up? Oh, “this Friday you can wear jeans to work” or “hey, we're going to have a pizza party this weekend, if you're not scheduled you can come in and join us ( and I totally won't ask you to work shifts outside of your normal at the party, and I swear I won't guilt you to come in on your requested day off because I threw us a pizza party. I appreciate each and every one of you /winks” ).

If you're lucky, out in the country you can find similar work without the corporate stress driven attitude. If you work in any urban area. You can expect to be treated like a slave covered in dog shit. There is a reason why totally-not-homeless people stand in the median collecting money from commuters. Because it pays better than many jobs, and they don't have some jerkwad ( that likely knows less about what's going on in their business than the average employee ) breathing down their neck and threatening to write-up “or worse” for the smallest infraction or refusal to meet their ridiculous standards and accept their self-righteousness. 90% of management is like this. Many people realize that subjecting themselves to this is bad for their mental health and overall wellness.

It's practically impossible to find a job where you won't be subject to these experiences. As a suggestion, next job for him should be at a company with a worker's union. Taking a look at the slavery side of things. Notice another thing about most jobs. The schedule changes week to week, noone can ever expect to have the same hours every week and employees just have to accept it or move on. To go along with this, also notice how work schedules almost never begin on the natural beginning of the week or end on the natural day ( Sunday / Saturday in my country ) and does not match up with the calendar. This is a subconscious tactic to normalize employees and condition them to just accept it how it is. Once you dig into this, the overt slavery is much more in your face.

One more final suggestion. Browse around on r/antiwork a bit. You'll begin to understand why this pattern exists, and that it's not his fault. It's a systematic tumor growth on an already crippled job market. One that will not go away until a biopsy is done, revealing to the world the inherent corporate greed and glee toward treating workers like literal slaves. Heck look at the subs for individual businesses. More often than not you'll see that it's a venue for employee discussion over much of what I've addressed here.

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