
I almost ignored this article because I thought it was another, look at how this child of wealthy parents makes 20k a month investing their generational wealth. Ignore the click bait in the headline which is almost what made me not read the story. He made nearly $500k over the last 5 years. He makes about $8,000 a month. My personal goal for my business is $7000 – $12,000 since I have a decent amount of overhead. It's a story about an average guy who was able to make it on his own using his talents after losing his job. Can everyone do this? No. But there are so many people suffering working for someone else who would love to work for themselves but our lack of a strong social safety net means they are too nervous to take a risk and invest in themselves. I was fired from a shitty chain massage place for being too uppity and not getting along with our creepy, lazy manager. I had enough about a year prior and started…

Ignore the click bait in the headline which is almost what made me not read the story. He made nearly $500k over the last 5 years. He makes about $8,000 a month. My personal goal for my business is $7000 – $12,000 since I have a decent amount of overhead.

It's a story about an average guy who was able to make it on his own using his talents after losing his job. Can everyone do this? No. But there are so many people suffering working for someone else who would love to work for themselves but our lack of a strong social safety net means they are too nervous to take a risk and invest in themselves.

I was fired from a shitty chain massage place for being too uppity and not getting along with our creepy, lazy manager. I had enough about a year prior and started working for myself part-time. So when I was fired I luckily had just enough clients to barely, and I mean barely, make it on my own. I've tried to convince friends and former coworkers to do the same.

I'm always happy to see when others can leave crappy working conditions and work for themselves.

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