
I already hate working at least give me the schedule and department I want

i’ve consistently been working three 5-1 shifts and two 2-10 shifts every week in the customer service desk. I’ve wanted to be off sunday for a very long time and finally requested again to change my availability after asking many times if it’s possible, i sent the scheduling manager an email to confirm this is doable while still staying in the customer service department which i much much prefer over grocery. She never responded to my email and after reiterating to her in person that i would simply like to switch my off day to sunday but keep working in the department i’m most comfortable with she kind of brushed it off, (BUT she mentioned they need people in my department so i’m confused as to why the hell she would do this). Fast forward the newest schedule is out and my hours are completely different and i am stocking/front…

i’ve consistently been working three 5-1 shifts and two 2-10 shifts every week in the customer service desk. I’ve wanted to be off sunday for a very long time and finally requested again to change my availability after asking many times if it’s possible, i sent the scheduling manager an email to confirm this is doable while still staying in the customer service department which i much much prefer over grocery. She never responded to my email and after reiterating to her in person that i would simply like to switch my off day to sunday but keep working in the department i’m most comfortable with she kind of brushed it off, (BUT she mentioned they need people in my department so i’m confused as to why the hell she would do this). Fast forward the newest schedule is out and my hours are completely different and i am stocking/front end three days out of the week, so a majority. It’s very upsetting because i communicated very very clearly that i do not ever want to work in grocery. I already work some of the hardest shifts and open as early as 5am so regardless i do some grocery for half of my days. The one thing i said VERY clearly is that i want to stay at my customer service desk, i have fatigue problems that i’m trying to get sorted out with my doctor, back pain , and leg pain from working so hard in grocery since i work every truck morning.. I’m so so angry. I sent her an email telling her to please change my days back to how they were before because i’d prefer to work sunday than have a completely different schedule than before. Which is what i tried to avoid by communicating !!. How hard is it to change one single day without ruining the rest? It’s unfair that so many people have off sundays but i can’t, why not give the new people that day? and if that’s not possible why not tell me when i asked instead of completely throwing off my schedule

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