
I always chill on the couch and drink coffee for the first 1.5 hours of the day.

I work in Canada for an American company, so I'm on a time difference. Some days I start early, but America is still “sleeping” when it's my early days. Business and phones don't start ringing till around 11-12pm for me on those days. I get paid hourly… Shit ass pay. Can barely cover my rent. So on these early days I just… Clock in… Make a coffee… And relax for 1.5 on the couch, making sure my work computer volume is up high on the off chance someone is trying to get a hold of me this early. No idea if my boss knows I do this. No idea if they have any techy thing where they can see how much my mouse moves and shit but I've been doing this for over a year and I haven't been talked to about it yet so… I'm going to keep doing…

I work in Canada for an American company, so I'm on a time difference. Some days I start early, but America is still “sleeping” when it's my early days. Business and phones don't start ringing till around 11-12pm for me on those days. I get paid hourly… Shit ass pay. Can barely cover my rent. So on these early days I just… Clock in… Make a coffee… And relax for 1.5 on the couch, making sure my work computer volume is up high on the off chance someone is trying to get a hold of me this early.

No idea if my boss knows I do this. No idea if they have any techy thing where they can see how much my mouse moves and shit but I've been doing this for over a year and I haven't been talked to about it yet so… I'm going to keep doing it.

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