
I am becoming increasingly anti- work by the day *rant*

Let me start off by saying I am a salaried employee working in the pharmaceutical industry. I don’t want to complain because I know there are people who have it much worse than I do, but I digress.. I am just so tired of working. Day in and day out, all of us give the majority of our lives to companies who don’t give a shit about us. Unless we get lucky enough to come into a lot of money on our own, we put the majority of our lives on hold and in the greedy hands of corporations. They don’t care who we are, what we struggle with, or have any respect for our time or lives as human beings. We are simply productivity robots. It’s so sad and depressing. We can’t even be ourselves- we have to have a work facade during business hours. At my job specifically,…

Let me start off by saying I am a salaried employee working in the pharmaceutical industry. I don’t want to complain because I know there are people who have it much worse than I do, but I digress..
I am just so tired of working. Day in and day out, all of us give the majority of our lives to companies who don’t give a shit about us. Unless we get lucky enough to come into a lot of money on our own, we put the majority of our lives on hold and in the greedy hands of corporations. They don’t care who we are, what we struggle with, or have any respect for our time or lives as human beings. We are simply productivity robots. It’s so sad and depressing. We can’t even be ourselves- we have to have a work facade during business hours. At my job specifically, I have work to do even after hours whether it be projects, admin work, etc. I can’t do those things during the day because I am a field sales rep. Every job is different but somehow almost exactly the same when it comes down to greedy corporations and spending the better part of o lives at work. I hate every second of it. I suffer from adhd and am constantly on the brink of burnout. We are the only creatures on the planet who make it so incredibly confusing and difficult to just exist. Idk. I am so over it all. I want to enjoy life and nature and feel free. I know it’s not that simple bc, well, I need money, but still I can dream I guess. Need to escape the rat race

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