
I am being made redundant and my boss kept that secret to himself.

Last week felt like any normal week. At least it started out that way. Wednesday morning I was hauled into a meeting with my team and none of my co-workers had a clue what it would be about. We all just shrugged when someone asked. My boss just said in the meeting that they have a three month notice period and they've been working it and tomorrow (Monday, 27th) is their last day. They said we would learn why later. Someone asked if they had another job lined up and he said yes at x company. Then after lunch we had a meeting with HR and my boss's boss to officially announce we were being made redundant. We were all shocked and didn't see it coming. My boss knew four months ago and stated that fact to us several times since we learned of the news. They just decided to…

Last week felt like any normal week. At least it started out that way.

Wednesday morning I was hauled into a meeting with my team and none of my co-workers had a clue what it would be about. We all just shrugged when someone asked. My boss just said in the meeting that they have a three month notice period and they've been working it and tomorrow (Monday, 27th) is their last day. They said we would learn why later. Someone asked if they had another job lined up and he said yes at x company.

Then after lunch we had a meeting with HR and my boss's boss to officially announce we were being made redundant. We were all shocked and didn't see it coming. My boss knew four months ago and stated that fact to us several times since we learned of the news. They just decided to keep it to themselves or use it to their advantage to get a new job. They've offered no words of comfort and have been acting cold.

We had no time to process this news because Friday we started phase one of the consultation. I'm told there are three parts. I've never gone through redundancy before in the UK so I've no idea what to expect. The company has no similar roles available to offer any of us either.

My boss keeps telling us to smash out the work despite the news and not to burn any bridges.

I have no motivation to smash out any work. After tomorrow I plan to try to apply to jobs while at work and write a new CV. I don't give a shit. I need to save myself. I have a mortgage and zero savings because it all went to the down payment for this house. I'm getting zero redundancy pay as well since I've only worked here a year.

HR even said in my first consultation that they were surprised my boss didn't tell us sooner that they were leaving and why. They said it wasn't something he was told to keep a secret and that he could have told us. I guess the dick only cared about himself.

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