
I am considering quitting my current company for other opportunities

After attending undergrad at the University of California Berkeley, and getting many prestigious internship opportunities such as NASA I started working at one of the highest performing companies in my industry. I worked my way up, and became one of the brightest minds on my company team. Most consider me the 2nd best worker on my team, though I think I deserve a bit more respect tho that is a topic for another discussion. Last year I was one of the biggest reasons for the success of my company’s product. However recently there has been some internal turmoil within the company. My last manager was fired due to a SA case. My current manager is a bit young and inexperienced, and has a tendency to let issues boil over and attempting to stop them only when it is too late. Even though I was at my best performance the past…

After attending undergrad at the University of California Berkeley, and getting many prestigious internship opportunities such as NASA I started working at one of the highest performing companies in my industry. I worked my way up, and became one of the brightest minds on my company team. Most consider me the 2nd best worker on my team, though I think I deserve a bit more respect tho that is a topic for another discussion.

Last year I was one of the biggest reasons for the success of my company’s product. However recently there has been some internal turmoil within the company. My last manager was fired due to a SA case. My current manager is a bit young and inexperienced, and has a tendency to let issues boil over and attempting to stop them only when it is too late.

Even though I was at my best performance the past year and our product was doing well, the last few days our product’s performance has fallen off the cliff. I admit I have struggled these days, and am even having trouble with the most basic operations for my role, and the customers are not happy at all.

I am very close to checking out. I do think I might be happier to move to my hometown in Atlanta to pursue opportunities there or even to Houston where I can reunite with one of my favorite ex-coworkers. However if I stay within my current team, I am on track for a big raise which is also tempting. I probably have less than a week left before I go on a lengthy vacation. I don’t know if I should quit my current company and go somewhere else, or stay within the company and get the raise. Any advice?

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