
I Am Done with Humanity

As the title of the post says I am tired of living and just tired of the greedflation that has consumed our current culture. That is why I am opposed to working because I don't to become part of the problem. I am fortunate to have family to take care of me and I help where I can. Somedays I feel like I am better off not existing in this world and also feel like I was born at the wrong time. This has really made me misanthropic and apathetic. That is all, just wanted to vent some frustrations. Thanks for reading.

As the title of the post says I am tired of living and just tired of the greedflation that has consumed our current culture. That is why I am opposed to working because I don't to become part of the problem. I am fortunate to have family to take care of me and I help where I can. Somedays I feel like I am better off not existing in this world and also feel like I was born at the wrong time. This has really made me misanthropic and apathetic. That is all, just wanted to vent some frustrations. Thanks for reading.

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