
I am going to finally quit.

I have been working 70 hours a week 16 hour days sometimes with no break. I am sick of it. After working one of those doubles with no break standing up all day I get a call the next day on my day off that I have to pick up some items for the store. It's a literal pallet of shit and it wouldn't fit in my car. I had to drive it acrossed town on the busiest streets covered in ice to bring it in. I am just over it and I am no longer scared to quit. Not sure why I posted it but this is It. Thanks

I have been working 70 hours a week 16 hour days sometimes with no break. I am sick of it. After working one of those doubles with no break standing up all day I get a call the next day on my day off that I have to pick up some items for the store. It's a literal pallet of shit and it wouldn't fit in my car. I had to drive it acrossed town on the busiest streets covered in ice to bring it in. I am just over it and I am no longer scared to quit. Not sure why I posted it but this is It. Thanks

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