
I am jealous and angry of seeing college students partying and having fun

I know this seems like a small deal to some people, but I recently went to a college football game and just get so upset seeing others have the time of their lives. They are so lucky and privileged and don’t know how rare it is. College has so many clubs, Greek life, and opportunities to within walking distance, and people take it for granted Most people don’t even get to college. I couldn’t get into college even though I studied my butt off in high school and constantly went to my teachers for help. I just wasn’t smart enough. Going to community college simply didn’t give you the same opportunities. I really harbor a ton of resentment to those who went to college in their youth and have fun, and it kills me I didn’t get that opportunity

I know this seems like a small deal to some people, but I recently went to a college football game and just get so upset seeing others have the time of their lives. They are so lucky and privileged and don’t know how rare it is. College has so many clubs, Greek life, and opportunities to within walking distance, and people take it for granted

Most people don’t even get to college. I couldn’t get into college even though I studied my butt off in high school and constantly went to my teachers for help. I just wasn’t smart enough. Going to community college simply didn’t give you the same opportunities. I really harbor a ton of resentment to those who went to college in their youth and have fun, and it kills me I didn’t get that opportunity

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