
I am quitting and I will not be giving notice

TL;DR: Have a manager who suddenly became toxic and started railroading my career. Currently interviewing for other roles and will not be giving any notice. I started working at my current company last year and have been with the company for almost a full year. The interview process was very quick and was really the only red flag during the process. I didn't accept the offer right away and took a few days for some Q&A back and forth with the company before accepting. The offer was for significantly more than what I was making at the time. The first 6 months in the job went very well and I was quickly making my mark on the company. I was building good relationships with many of the people I worked with while also proving to be at the top of my current role. I had multiple conversations with my manager…

TL;DR: Have a manager who suddenly became toxic and started railroading my career. Currently interviewing for other roles and will not be giving any notice.

I started working at my current company last year and have been with the company for almost a full year. The interview process was very quick and was really the only red flag during the process. I didn't accept the offer right away and took a few days for some Q&A back and forth with the company before accepting. The offer was for significantly more than what I was making at the time.

The first 6 months in the job went very well and I was quickly making my mark on the company. I was building good relationships with many of the people I worked with while also proving to be at the top of my current role. I had multiple conversations with my manager and her manager about what my next step might be and what I would need to get there.

About 4 months ago, something changed drastically…

My manager, who also happened to be the principal lead on a project I was managing suddenly changed everything about how she was communicating with me. This was right after she had a conversation with the CEO of the company. She was very short in her communication with me, very nitpicky about everything I was doing and consistently seemed to find issues with my work or how I was doing something.

This went as far as affecting a semiannual bonus where I received less than half of that I could have received. When I pressed for reasons why it was smaller, my manager could not give me solid reasons. Things like “you haven't been implementing feedback I've given you” and “I see the bonus as something given for going above and beyond”. Mind you, I was going above and beyond my normal role, helping to improve internal processes, etc.

It got to the point where I went to HR and her manager to discuss the issues I was having with her (talking to her went nowhere) and I was told to “talk to her and try to resolve”, and “it will get better just give us time”, all the typical corporate stuff you see when they know there's an issue but won't actually do anything about it.

To me, it just seemed like she was doing anything she could to make my job harder and make me want to quit for some reason. Did she see me as a threat? What the hell??

Either way, I've been interviewing with a few places, I turned down one offer because the company low-balled me and gave off some red flag vibes, but I have two very good potential opportunities.

I'm currently not assigned to a client project and technically “on the bench” because there's nothing new yet.

I'm also on PTO this week and not returning until next week.

I'm at the point where I do not think I will give any notice at all and just accept an offer and send my resignation letter on my last day and let them figure it out.

Would love to hear some thoughts and opinions on the above. Does it seem like my manager is suddenly trying to get me to quit? If so, what could have triggered it? Maybe someone wanted to promote me and she's trying to make me look bad? Should I quit without notice? They would fire me without notice and I would never go back to this company…

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