
I am so damned tired of it

I rejoined my current employer around 18 months ago. There were a number of pressing problems that I have resolved single-handedly (we literally got to experience being able to tell a consultant we weren't going to pay their invoice because they did not solve the problem they were engaged to remedy; I did) and, on top of that, I have been doing two employees worth of work whilst getting paid like the junior guy. I can deal with the workload, I just refuse to allow the current situation, where my work pays me a single, junior level salary whilst getting exceptional outcomes, to continue. I set my linkedin to “open to work” yesterday and have an interview tomorrow. The bad thing is, my direct manager wants me to stay and is fighting to get me a payrise. He's been fighting for half a year though, he just doesnt understand that…

I rejoined my current employer around 18 months ago. There were a number of pressing problems that I have resolved single-handedly (we literally got to experience being able to tell a consultant we weren't going to pay their invoice because they did not solve the problem they were engaged to remedy; I did) and, on top of that, I have been doing two employees worth of work whilst getting paid like the junior guy.

I can deal with the workload, I just refuse to allow the current situation, where my work pays me a single, junior level salary whilst getting exceptional outcomes, to continue.

I set my linkedin to “open to work” yesterday and have an interview tomorrow.

The bad thing is, my direct manager wants me to stay and is fighting to get me a payrise. He's been fighting for half a year though, he just doesnt understand that he has been told “no fucken way champ” with the words “we're looking at it”

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