
I am still logged in into my old workplace’s email account, is this wrong?

Left this job about 4 months ago, did freelancing stuff instead because they paid minimum, pretty much bullied me all the way thru even though I was their best worker by far, had to work from home even, but they didn't pay that, and said I should be expecting to work till 8pm (8am-8pm) literally took away my wage at some point, screamed, made me feel awful about myself, which almost led me to doing stuff I shouldn't even be talking about. I was about to report them, but i got soft again because it didn't even feel right, even if they made my life miserable. Today I realized they keep logging in (my coworker, that made me quit, and she replaced me) into a email account I still happen to have, let's say ALLEGEDLY something bad happened to that email, what could they do to me? Can they even…

Left this job about 4 months ago, did freelancing stuff instead because they paid minimum, pretty much bullied me all the way thru even though I was their best worker by far, had to work from home even, but they didn't pay that, and said I should be expecting to work till 8pm (8am-8pm) literally took away my wage at some point, screamed, made me feel awful about myself, which almost led me to doing stuff I shouldn't even be talking about.

I was about to report them, but i got soft again because it didn't even feel right, even if they made my life miserable. Today I realized they keep logging in (my coworker, that made me quit, and she replaced me) into a email account I still happen to have, let's say ALLEGEDLY something bad happened to that email, what could they do to me? Can they even do anything if something happened? Thanks!

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