
I broke down at work today

I’m a preschool teacher who is over worked, under paid and under appreciated. Around 8 people have left my job in the past two month which leaves the rest of the teachers working over time and extra drained. Today I just had enough – three people had called in sick from my room leaving me and another teacher with 21 kids. This is beyond a joke now. I’m on opening but I never get to leave on time – I leave two hours after my shift is suppose to end because almost everyday because we are short staffed and have a lot of kids. I get no time off the floor to do paper work but then the boss is always on our asses on why this or that hasn’t been done yet. They also expect us to do work from home without pay which I refuse to do. Today…

I’m a preschool teacher who is over worked, under paid and under appreciated. Around 8 people have left my job in the past two month which leaves the rest of the teachers working over time and extra drained. Today I just had enough – three people had called in sick from my room leaving me and another teacher with 21 kids. This is beyond a joke now. I’m on opening but I never get to leave on time – I leave two hours after my shift is suppose to end because almost everyday because we are short staffed and have a lot of kids. I get no time off the floor to do paper work but then the boss is always on our asses on why this or that hasn’t been done yet. They also expect us to do work from home without pay which I refuse to do. Today there was a lot of crying children and me running around trying to do 5 things all at once (or else they wouldn’t get done) this resulted in me having a breakdown when my boss asked if I was ok. I wasn’t. I said I wasn’t and I just cried out of exhaustion. I had to go into a sleep room to collect myself. My boss was actually great and asked if I wanted to go home, I said no as there wouldn’t be another teacher and just cause more problems not solutions. I just told her I’m done. I’m drained and nothing is getting better.

Im done.

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