
I can retire in 2064

I really hate working, it doesn’t bring me joy or make me feel fulfilled. I’ve never had a dream job or even thought about staying in one particular job until I retire. I’m always looking for ways to make more money and enable me to escape the corporate life. I’ve always wanted to buy some land and rent out fields for dog owners/walkers and possibly run a ‘wild camping’ campsite. Just anything that allows me freedom to do what I want with my life, without relying on a job I don’t enjoy to pay my bills. I want to live simply, in a cabin or static caravan on land that I own. Spend all my time with my dog, not worrying about clocking on and off from work at certain times. Going to meetings, stressful deadlines etc. I just feel so stuck and although I know there’s so much more…

I really hate working, it doesn’t bring me joy or make me feel fulfilled. I’ve never had a dream job or even thought about staying in one particular job until I retire. I’m always looking for ways to make more money and enable me to escape the corporate life. I’ve always wanted to buy some land and rent out fields for dog owners/walkers and possibly run a ‘wild camping’ campsite. Just anything that allows me freedom to do what I want with my life, without relying on a job I don’t enjoy to pay my bills. I want to live simply, in a cabin or static caravan on land that I own. Spend all my time with my dog, not worrying about clocking on and off from work at certain times. Going to meetings, stressful deadlines etc. I just feel so stuck and although I know there’s so much more to life, I don’t know how to achieve what I want. The thought of working a corporate job for another 41 years makes me feel sick. I genuinely can’t imagine wasting my life away like that. How are so many people just happy to accept that? I don’t really know what I’m expecting from posting this, I just figured people on here would understand. My family just call me lazy when I say I hate working. Thanks for listening to my rant if you made it to the end!

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