
I can’t fix what I don’t know is broken

I've had this happen at multiple jobs at this point, and I'm getting tired of it. Company will take issue with a thing I do, but not immediately tell me about it. As a result, I keep doing it since they have not indicated it was wrong, and eventually all these minor grievances are welded together into a hammer that they use to fire me. If you, as the company, don't tell me about an issue IMMEDIATELY, then it is your fault every subsequent time it occurs. This is not a difficult concept. I can't improve if nobody tells me what they have a problem with.

I've had this happen at multiple jobs at this point, and I'm getting tired of it.

Company will take issue with a thing I do, but not immediately tell me about it. As a result, I keep doing it since they have not indicated it was wrong, and eventually all these minor grievances are welded together into a hammer that they use to fire me.

If you, as the company, don't tell me about an issue IMMEDIATELY, then it is your fault every subsequent time it occurs.

This is not a difficult concept. I can't improve if nobody tells me what they have a problem with.

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