
I can’t get a new job and my current one is making me question being alive.

I am severely overworked and underpaid. I work remotely and we are very short staffed. I am doing most of my bosses work to the point where I'm wondering wtf she even does. I put my foot down and she just gave the work load to my only true friend at the company. (Now she's considering quitting.) Every time my boss hops on a call SHE'S TANNING outside. Are you fucking serious? At least try to act like you're doing something. Everyone on my team is an idiot except for my friend. Anyways… I've been causally applying to jobs since December and then April I got serious about it. I literally have been applying to 10+ PER DAY. Doing about 2-3 interviews per week. I am constantly analyzing my resume and improving it. Working on certifications to beef up my resume. I'll get to the 2nd or 3rd interview then…

I am severely overworked and underpaid. I work remotely and we are very short staffed. I am doing most of my bosses work to the point where I'm wondering wtf she even does. I put my foot down and she just gave the work load to my only true friend at the company. (Now she's considering quitting.) Every time my boss hops on a call SHE'S TANNING outside. Are you fucking serious? At least try to act like you're doing something.

Everyone on my team is an idiot except for my friend.

Anyways… I've been causally applying to jobs since December and then April I got serious about it. I literally have been applying to 10+ PER DAY. Doing about 2-3 interviews per week.

I am constantly analyzing my resume and improving it. Working on certifications to beef up my resume. I'll get to the 2nd or 3rd interview then I get dropped. I am practicing my interviewing skills constantly.

Rejection after rejection. I am going insane. I have no motivation to work and there's just a mountain of stupid shit I have to do every singe day. Feels like I'm going to be stuck in this shit job forever. I don't even have motivation for apply to new jobs and interview anymore. What's the point to sit there and talking about “How 🙂 great 🙂 I 🙂 am 🙂 this 🙂 is 🙂 why 🙂 you 🙂 should 🙂 hire 🙂 me :)”

It's BS. I HAVE the experience and I would consider myself a nice outgoing person. WTF IS WRONG WITH ME that NO ONE will give me a chance.

I used to be okay with my salary, but with the recession, my credit card bills are getting higher and I'm struggling to pay them off.

HOW DO PEOPLE GET JOBS? I'm questioning if I'm just an idiot and that's why I have no luck. I've probably lost plenty of brain cells working here.

Just needed to rant…

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