
I can’t get it off my mind…

Hi, I need advice. I'm from the Philippines and I made a mistake before with a previous employer. I stayed 4 months with the BPO employer. I was offered 27K monthly for a Citi account. I enjoyed the training and was looking forward to the time I'll be the one sitting behind the desk and taking in phone calls. However, it was already 4 months yet they couldn't provide logins. I followed up a lot regarding the logins, and sat like an idiot in Ops, got called as a walking library since I was very familiar with the tools and the resolutions from training. That was the only thing I could do at that time since I wanted to show I am eager to work. Yet I still didn't have logins and the Ops Manager, whenever she got angry, she'd take her anger out on us since we would be…

Hi, I need advice. I'm from the Philippines and I made a mistake before with a previous employer. I stayed 4 months with the BPO employer. I was offered 27K monthly for a Citi account. I enjoyed the training and was looking forward to the time I'll be the one sitting behind the desk and taking in phone calls. However, it was already 4 months yet they couldn't provide logins.

I followed up a lot regarding the logins, and sat like an idiot in Ops, got called as a walking library since I was very familiar with the tools and the resolutions from training. That was the only thing I could do at that time since I wanted to show I am eager to work.

Yet I still didn't have logins and the Ops Manager, whenever she got angry, she'd take her anger out on us since we would be sitting around doing nothing.

I also really wanted to have logins since I wanted to start working so I could get the 27K per month. They were only paying 15K per month, the training rate which I am grateful for. But as someone who's an orphan and can only lean on myself for the electricity, water, rent, upkeep and food expenses it wasn't enough in Manila, Philippines.

I actually got sick since I only kept eating lucky me and nissin pansit canton. I'd also walk to work even at night since the money wasn't enough and I even got mugged once at knife point. Luckily, my dad taught me arnis and krav maga so I got away with my wallet, phone and my life.

Since the Ops Manager and some of his alipores was such a bully, and I was eager to work, I asked to be moved to a different account if possible, but they say it's a waste since I was already trained for Citi and just continue to wait. I also shared it to the nice HR lady but she apparently tattled on me and spoke with the Ops Manager. It just got worse since he would now not approach us directly but make comments loudly that some people have it good, just sitting there and enjoying the free aircon.

There came a time when I couldn't take it and went AWOL. I applied for another company and got accepted.

Since then, I felt that I made a mistake and I should have just stayed and waited. I feel dishonest every time I see my resume on LinkedIn since I know there should be one more experience there.

I feel like such a bad employee. But am I?

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