
I complain to management about this controlling coworker and they didn’t want to address it today…

I’ve been having problems with this girl all year. She’s very controlling but most the time the stuff she tries to tell you isn’t even right She complains about very minor things that are fixable. Always asks me stupid questions-“how many things are in the fridge?” go open the door lazy fuck and look, it take seconds it only holds 8 slots so a number between 0-8. It’s just so annoying and we work the same shift but I like the hours so I don’t want to switch. This morning I asked the manager to turn up the temperature cause it was freezing (btw this room has to be within a certain range for the products and it was 1degree away from being out of range) . She overheard and told him “no don’t it’s fine” and then we argued a little . But then an hour later more people…

I’ve been having problems with this girl all year. She’s very controlling but most the time the stuff she tries to tell you isn’t even right

She complains about very minor things that are fixable. Always asks me stupid questions-“how many things are in the fridge?” go open the door lazy fuck and look, it take seconds it only holds 8 slots so a number between 0-8.

It’s just so annoying and we work the same shift but I like the hours so I don’t want to switch.

This morning I asked the manager to turn up the temperature cause it was freezing (btw this room has to be within a certain range for the products and it was 1degree away from being out of range) . She overheard and told him “no don’t it’s fine” and then we argued a little . But then an hour later more people came in and complained and got it raised. She is not in any position to decide that when the majority is saying otherwise

I had enough and emailed my boss about this morning and some of the other stuff that’s been going on and that this girl drives me crazy. But boss said she’d discuss it with us separately on the days we don’t work together (talk to me on Tuesday and her on Monday)… And she said it’s probably all miscommunication…nah that bitch is always complaining to me specifically(I don’t even make small talk with her, I’m in another part of the room minding my own business and she approaches me to complain or tell me what to do) I don’t understand that like why not talk to me right now my boss and I were both at work why wait ?

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