
I despise people who use anti-work ideas to justify their own selfishness not you are not anti-work because you believe in its principals, or you see the issues you are anti-work because you are lazy, entitled, and don’t want to do anything with your life and we all suffer for it.

For context, I am disabled, and I live with my elderly mom and 1 near do well sibling. When covid happened by dad passed suddenly and the replacement aid fell through, so I had to give the job to the sibling who I do not like at all. They for lack of a better phase are 9 going on 29. They are a man-child who is throwing a lifelong pity party because adulthood “sucks”. Now he greatly resents me b/c he says my disability and who I am because he says I ruined his life. Okay fair enough, I am not easy live with, and I made many mistakes but I have reached out to repair things, but he is not interested which is his choice but what he doesn't have the right to do is refusing to do your job and cost me my health and future b/c you…

For context, I am disabled, and I live with my elderly mom and 1 near do well sibling. When covid happened by dad passed suddenly and the replacement aid fell through, so I had to give the job to the sibling who I do not like at all. They for lack of a better phase are 9 going on 29. They are a man-child who is throwing a lifelong pity party because adulthood “sucks”. Now he greatly resents me b/c he says my disability and who I am because he says I ruined his life. Okay fair enough, I am not easy live with, and I made many mistakes but I have reached out to repair things, but he is not interested which is his choice but what he doesn't have the right to do is refusing to do your job and cost me my health and future b/c you not only have an axe to grid but mostly b/c you are a lazy entitled fuck head.

I did not want to give him the job at all b/c of who he is and what he was going to do. But I had no choice I was like look man we got issues with each other but I your help. We don't have to like each other but we can be professional and respectful; and as long as you do your job, the way I need you to because Iam entrusting you with my safety and well-being for the time being we are good. If you fuck around like you, do you are going to have your ass handed to you.

Nearly, three years later, he hasn't done a damn thing. He has not done anything but watch crunchy roll and espn all day including doing everything he can to avoid paying for household expenses. And he justifies this by using anti-work talking points, ableism, bullying, entitlement, and self-loathing.

Now I am taking steps to not only get myself better and the help I need and to make sure he pays the piper so to speak but sadly things move slowly, and things are slanted against disabled people. Of course, he not only he accuses me of being an asshole that is ruining his life but is the kind of person that the anti-work movement is going to take down huh?

Before anybody asks, he had outs, he dropped out of school because he didn't want to pay for textbooks and refused my offer to pay for them instead because he didn't want to “owe” anyone especially me. And people including his former friends of whom he burned tried to get him better opportunities like much better jobs often going above and beyond he not only turned them down but burn them down b/c he felt he was too good for them, but the truth is b/c it is easier to be nothing and be bitter and hateful than to try and be something better.

So many people are like him. They aren't anti-work b/c of all the challenges, unfairness, and bad breaks etc, which is fair no when you get down to it, they are anti-work b/c they don't want to work b/c they for whatever reason don't want to do or be anything. People like my brother are the tyle of people that undermine the movement. Now am I unbiased in my brother's case? No of course not and can I do better I am trying, and can he change and can folks like him change for the better absolutely it happens all the time but don't hide behind anti-work.

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