
I don’t know if I should do this or not

I'm having an appeal hearing because it's within a company's right to appeal your unemployment decision here in america. And if they decide to rule against you, you have to pay that money back. I have documentation that this place fired me after working there for two years because I had some medical things going on. Provided them every doctor note they needed. I even suggested about going on leave but instead, I was fired over a text. I have been through this Gambit before and won. And I think I'm going to record it this time because I think it might help some people . Thoughts ?

I'm having an appeal hearing because it's within a company's right to appeal your unemployment decision here in america.
And if they decide to rule against you, you have to pay that money back.
I have documentation that this place fired me after working there for two years because I had some medical things going on. Provided them every doctor note they needed. I even suggested about going on leave but instead, I was fired over a text.

I have been through this Gambit before and won.

And I think I'm going to record it this time because I think it might help some people .

Thoughts ?

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