
I don’t really want to hear any complaints about restaurants that aren’t “I can’t believe how little these workers are paid and how poorly they’re treated.”

I am so unbelievably jaded. Everyone sounds like a spoiled brat to me. People are so ridiculously entitled to this labor. The drive thru takes sooo long! I hate that I had to see a tip jar, that’s too much pressure to tip! The ice cream machine is always “broken!” Why isn’t Taco Bell 24 hours anymore?? I can’t believe my burger cost blah blah blah. All I hear “this worker makes poverty wages” and I can’t make myself care about anything else. No one in this industry is being paid enough to care about any of these customer concerns.

I am so unbelievably jaded. Everyone sounds like a spoiled brat to me. People are so ridiculously entitled to this labor. The drive thru takes sooo long! I hate that I had to see a tip jar, that’s too much pressure to tip! The ice cream machine is always “broken!” Why isn’t Taco Bell 24 hours anymore?? I can’t believe my burger cost blah blah blah. All I hear “this worker makes poverty wages” and I can’t make myself care about anything else. No one in this industry is being paid enough to care about any of these customer concerns.

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