
I Don’t Think I Can Go Back To Full Time Work

I don't know how the hell I did it in the first place. I'm one year, into a two year special assignment with my job. This special assignment allows me to only work two days per week. I work 12 hours on Saturday, and 12 hours on Sunday. I still get a full time pay (36 hours) and I still get my full time benefits. Giving up my entire weekend is a sacrifice, but it's totally worth it to only have to put in 24 hours of work and get five days off. Well, recently I was asked to stay on the special assignment, but switch roles. The new position requires 80 hours of training. So last week, I went back to a five day and 40 hour workweek. After a year on the two day assignment, this past week was fucking hell. On the one hand, eight hour days…

I don't know how the hell I did it in the first place.

I'm one year, into a two year special assignment with my job.

This special assignment allows me to only work two days per week. I work 12 hours on Saturday, and 12 hours on Sunday. I still get a full time pay (36 hours) and I still get my full time benefits. Giving up my entire weekend is a sacrifice, but it's totally worth it to only have to put in 24 hours of work and get five days off.

Well, recently I was asked to stay on the special assignment, but switch roles. The new position requires 80 hours of training. So last week, I went back to a five day and 40 hour workweek.

After a year on the two day assignment, this past week was fucking hell.

On the one hand, eight hour days fucking fly by after a year of doing twelves.

But working five days a week? How the fuck did I do it in the past? How do most people do it week to week? I've been fucking spoiled.

I'm sitting here, at noon time on Sunday, DREADING tomorrow morning. And this is knowing I only have to do five more days, then I'm off from the 11th to the 18th and back on my two days.

I don't know how I'm going to fucking cope when this assignment ends next June.

Nobody should have to work five days with only two off. I spent all day yesterday helping a family member with landscaping as a favor. I was up today at 6am doing my own chores and errands, and now I'm sitting here thinking, only eight more hours of free time before I have to go to bed…..

It's bullshit.

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