
I don’t think my work elevators are following safety specs

Firstly apologies if you saw my prior post, my title was about fire safety but this is not a fire safety issue, so I removed it to fix literally just the title. I digress. I am curious if this is something i should report (and who to report to in the US if so) so please remove if not allowed. Thanks Reddit! So for reference I work on the 11th floor of an office building and my workplace occupies the top handful of floors. Our elevators are the worst. They're untimely, sometimes causing us to wait 10+ minutes just to get an elevator. Far as I'm aware of they're also twice the age they should be (Google says 20-25 years, our elevators were installed in 1980 and never renovated/modernized/whatever) and the person who owns the building argues that the elevators run just fine. Spoiler alert: they don't To get into…

Firstly apologies if you saw my prior post, my title was about fire safety but this is not a fire safety issue, so I removed it to fix literally just the title. I digress.

I am curious if this is something i should report (and who to report to in the US if so) so please remove if not allowed. Thanks Reddit!

So for reference I work on the 11th floor of an office building and my workplace occupies the top handful of floors. Our elevators are the worst. They're untimely, sometimes causing us to wait 10+ minutes just to get an elevator. Far as I'm aware of they're also twice the age they should be (Google says 20-25 years, our elevators were installed in 1980 and never renovated/modernized/whatever) and the person who owns the building argues that the elevators run just fine. Spoiler alert: they don't

To get into the specifics, on top of being late, they also kidnap people regularly, sending them to floors they didn't ask for or going in the total wrong direction. You'll get an up elevator if you hit the down button and an up elevator if you hit the up button so I guess you're going up. We also get what I lovingly call “ghost elevators” where the elevator dings as though it's arrived but the doors never open. You also get such fun issues as the floor of the elevator making metallic creaking noises if you walk onto them. None of this directly bothers me, I mean if an elevator takes me 10 minutes that's annoying but not the end of the world. What really gets me is a recent development where the elevator will arrive and then adjust its position either up or down to get more parallel with the floor. This by no means gets it closer to being level but I digress. The real problem is I've almost stubbed my toes/fallen out of the elevator because it wasn't parallel with the ground when the doors open, which isn't a problem but I do have a coworker who fell because of the unevenness, which luckily didn't cause injury but very well could have, especially considering him, and most of my coworkers for that matter, are old. I'm worried the elevators will eventually cause someone to be seriously hurt, like the difference I witnessed earlier today absolutely would've caused me to fall (not trip, fall, because the distance was multiple inches) and coming out of the elevator and falling like that could lead to sprains/injury. It's my genuine opinion that it's only a matter of time until someone is seriously injured over this.

Is there a place I can report this? We've tried to argue with the person who owns the building but “our elevators run perfectly” is his argument and he refuses to accept critique. He also argues that the elevators are too expensive, costing “almost $250K per elevator”, to renovate. We're going to be moving into a new building due to the blatant disregard said individual has for those occupying his building, but that's still a ways away. Is there anything I can do that hasn't already been done? We have elevator maintenance techs out almost every week but nothing ever seems properly fixed, along with arguing with said person, but that's about it. I know if anyone on Reddit is going to know where to file reports/complaints, it's here, so is there any place I can bring this to an officials attention? Also I'm in Oklahoma if that matters. Thanks again Reddit, you all rock!

Tl;dr the dude who owns our building refuses to fix our elevators because “they run perfectly” and won't yield to any other critique. I'm hoping there's a resource I can report my building to for inspection/something. Thanks everyone!

Edit: Spelling. Feel free to let me know if I missed any

Edit 2: another reason I'm so crossed about this is because after the argument made of cost, our building proceeded to have an entire renovation of the ground floor, which leveled walls, replaced the floor with marble tiling, installed 7 80 inch tvs, etc. “Too expensive to renovate the elevators” my ass

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