
I feel like I am getting pushed out of the company

I’ll try to keep the details simple. I was approved to move 200 miles away from our main office to work remotely. As long as I come back to the main office a few times a year, there’s been no issue. Recently, there’s been a lot of changes in the company and now they want people to come back to the main office. I am a supervisor, and I do my job pretty well from home: my team is productive and our clients are happy. It also helps me to keep my mental health and sanity. I have other admin responsibilities and projects. With these new changes, I did not find out about them, until my new supervisor told me, and there’s been such a lack of communication with the entire team of what’s happening. Now all the responsibilities I had with my admin work or being taken over by…

I’ll try to keep the details simple. I was approved to move 200 miles away from our main office to work remotely. As long as I come back to the main office a few times a year, there’s been no issue.

Recently, there’s been a lot of changes in the company and now they want people to come back to the main office. I am a supervisor, and I do my job pretty well from home: my team is productive and our clients are happy. It also helps me to keep my mental health and sanity. I have other admin responsibilities and projects.

With these new changes, I did not find out about them, until my new supervisor told me, and there’s been such a lack of communication with the entire team of what’s happening. Now all the responsibilities I had with my admin work or being taken over by somebody else who is in the main office. I was recently told by my supervisor that if I’m going to advance in the company, I need to be in the main office more which may be a challenge for me.

I feel like these projects and responsibilities that I’ve been working on, are slowly being taken away for me, and they are eventually just going to let me go or try to push me out of the company. It sucks.

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