
I feel so burned out

I’ve been reading the stories on here and I relate to many of them so hard. I live in a position of privilege and while my job is not that bad and I can still wfh, I hate it. I hate it so much that I’m mentally checking out. I tune out during meetings and I just really don’t care. I need to find a need job and switch careers. I’m slowly upskilling, but all I want to do is stop and not work for a while or do my own thing because I’m so exhausted and burned out with everything. I really don’t know what else to do and I feel lost.

I’ve been reading the stories on here and I relate to many of them so hard. I live in a position of privilege and while my job is not that bad and I can still wfh, I hate it. I hate it so much that I’m mentally checking out. I tune out during meetings and I just really don’t care. I need to find a need job and switch careers. I’m slowly upskilling, but all I want to do is stop and not work for a while or do my own thing because I’m so exhausted and burned out with everything.

I really don’t know what else to do and I feel lost.

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