
I finally quit!!… and the owners tried to fuck me over.

so yesterday was my last day at work (so fucking happy!!). I wanted to see others input on this situation and see if the owners had any legality or support with this or not. I had told my manager at the beginning of the month (before I put in my two weeks) that I needed the 31st and the 1st off, Friday and Saturday, and there was a special event on Saturday in the place I work at that I always work. I didn't tell her why, but it was for my new college that I'll be transferring to. a week and a bit later I put in my two weeks. I had been looking for a new job that was significantly closer and gave me a bit more to save before I moved. we discussed when my last day would be and she told me yesterday, Wednesday would be…

so yesterday was my last day at work (so fucking happy!!). I wanted to see others input on this situation and see if the owners had any legality or support with this or not.

I had told my manager at the beginning of the month (before I put in my two weeks) that I needed the 31st and the 1st off, Friday and Saturday, and there was a special event on Saturday in the place I work at that I always work. I didn't tell her why, but it was for my new college that I'll be transferring to. a week and a bit later I put in my two weeks. I had been looking for a new job that was significantly closer and gave me a bit more to save before I moved.

we discussed when my last day would be and she told me yesterday, Wednesday would be my last day. I agreed, there weren't any problems.

yesterday, my manager tells me that she didn't support the owners decision or the way she thought but told me this: the owners found out I took two days off, because they wanted my manager for a meeting but she was covering me on those days. the owners got incredibly angry and told her to cancel my days off (mind you I was out of town, even if they did cancel it the day before I would be a no show so it would've been the exact same situation) and force me to come in. I knew the owners were huge asshole but to come to this was astonishing tbh.

they told her that since I had 2 days off and it's not fair that I had them during my two weeks, that I needed to work until the end of this week (Saturday because I work Saturdays there).

my manager was very apologetic, she didn't know it was an issue and told me that if I didn't come in, it's fine, because we discussed yesterday was my last day and that she will deal with it.

I wanted to see if this was something that is commonly known? I'm 21, worked a minimum-ish wage job ($12 an hour) and was only working on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I do all their events and I have rarely ever had a day off because I was the only receptionist at the place.

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