
I found $20 in an old wallet and cried because it means I’ll be able to get food this week

I'm currently waiting for a SNAP/WIC benefit appointment but that isn't until the 30th of this month. I didn't get the letter in the mail until yesterday (after applying over a week in advance for government assistance) and I can't call my local social services until tomorrow morning to see if I can get an earlier appointment. I went from working 28-29 hours per week to my hours being cut down to 10 per week and even though I've applied for unemployment, I have no idea if I'll even get it. It's been a struggle. I even went to local food bank and was given moldy bread, dented cans, a cut open bag of rice that was taped back up and food close to the expiration date. So I've been worried about how I'm going to feed myself this week until I get my last check and can afford actual…

I'm currently waiting for a SNAP/WIC benefit appointment but that isn't until the 30th of this month. I didn't get the letter in the mail until yesterday (after applying over a week in advance for government assistance) and I can't call my local social services until tomorrow morning to see if I can get an earlier appointment. I went from working 28-29 hours per week to my hours being cut down to 10 per week and even though I've applied for unemployment, I have no idea if I'll even get it. It's been a struggle. I even went to local food bank and was given moldy bread, dented cans, a cut open bag of rice that was taped back up and food close to the expiration date. So I've been worried about how I'm going to feed myself this week until I get my last check and can afford actual groceries

I was cleaning out a dresser drawer and found an old wallet I stopped using because the clasp broke. I emptied it and was looking at all of the crap I left behind and tucked inside was a $20 bill. Let me tell you I CRIED. I've been so stressed, barely sleeping full of anxiety and now this means I can get a few groceries. It might just be some rice and beans and a loaf of not moldy bread but I was so happy.

This is dumb but I couldn't go to my roommate about it because she doesn't know how rough off I have it right now and I don't need her stressing or adding to my anxiety / worry over things. I'm just so happy I get to go grocery shopping tomorrow!

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