
I give up

They used to say people become more conservative as they get older. I'm finding the opposite to be true. I used to think I was doing everything right to make myself employable, but I feel more unemployable now than ever. I chose a degree with good career prospects, worked several unrelated garbage jobs (IT/Customer Service/Social Media), did national service for a summer through AmeriCorps, did undergraduate research. I've been spending all of my free-time searching, applying, and interviewing for jobs, just to get rejected and ghosted for entry level positions in my field. I just feel hopeless and worthless. I'll never be able to have a career, stuck in menial labor, never own a home or car, eternal debt, and never have a family. It's all pointless and my spirit has been crushed by the heel of capitalism.

They used to say people become more conservative as they get older. I'm finding the opposite to be true. I used to think I was doing everything right to make myself employable, but I feel more unemployable now than ever. I chose a degree with good career prospects, worked several unrelated garbage jobs (IT/Customer Service/Social Media), did national service for a summer through AmeriCorps, did undergraduate research. I've been spending all of my free-time searching, applying, and interviewing for jobs, just to get rejected and ghosted for entry level positions in my field. I just feel hopeless and worthless. I'll never be able to have a career, stuck in menial labor, never own a home or car, eternal debt, and never have a family. It's all pointless and my spirit has been crushed by the heel of capitalism.

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