
I got a raise

I work for a relatively small business in Oregon right now. Was being paid $15.50/hr to do retail work and my boss kept trying to push me into more management work. This after I figured out how to make a barcode printer work so we could actually scan items instead of having to type them in. She said I should replace her when she's out of the store and I said I'd need at least $17/hr for that. She raised me to $16/hr. So hey, it's a raise, but not enough for me to be a full-on manager. Honestly, after I programmed a custom specialized application for generating barcodes based on the existing system of categorizing items, I sure wish I was making more. I've been quite above and beyond but she doesn't care.

I work for a relatively small business in Oregon right now. Was being paid $15.50/hr to do retail work and my boss kept trying to push me into more management work. This after I figured out how to make a barcode printer work so we could actually scan items instead of having to type them in. She said I should replace her when she's out of the store and I said I'd need at least $17/hr for that. She raised me to $16/hr. So hey, it's a raise, but not enough for me to be a full-on manager.

Honestly, after I programmed a custom specialized application for generating barcodes based on the existing system of categorizing items, I sure wish I was making more. I've been quite above and beyond but she doesn't care.

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