
I got assaulted at work and then got fired for what happened to me

Marking this with a CW as an fyi For the sake of context. I worked at a major buy/sell/trade store in the US. I was working there for a year until I got fired for “insubordination”. The main reason I got fired was because a customer who was notorious in my area for stealing clothes and being intoxicated. Tried to steal at my job in our dressing room. I was mentally preparing myself for the bs he was gonna bring to me. I counted him in and he refused to let me check him in a dressing room. He also groped me as a result of that. I freeze as a result and I let him in. One of my managers walks in and asks me if I’m good. I lied and said “yeah thanks” rather than to cause a scene where I was just assaulted at the dressing room.…

Marking this with a CW as an fyi

For the sake of context. I worked at a major buy/sell/trade store in the US. I was working there for a year until I got fired for “insubordination”. The main reason I got fired was because a customer who was notorious in my area for stealing clothes and being intoxicated. Tried to steal at my job in our dressing room. I was mentally preparing myself for the bs he was gonna bring to me. I counted him in and he refused to let me check him in a dressing room. He also groped me as a result of that. I freeze as a result and I let him in. One of my managers walks in and asks me if I’m good. I lied and said “yeah thanks” rather than to cause a scene where I was just assaulted at the dressing room. Before I left for my lunch that day. The same manager pulls me in and tells me that the man stole $40 worth of items and blamed me for not checking him in properly. I cried to her saying what happened and the lack of support I had during that awful encounter. She berated me saying that I was lying that I could had reached out to her if I needed support. At that point I was crying and cursing her out because I was just assaulted. She then tells me to leave for my lunch. I leave crying and being upset at everyone at my store.

A few days later my manager pulls me in saying what happened and tells me I violated company policy by not stopping that man who was shoplifting and because I “threw a fit.” I let my manager know again that I have PTSD along with being physically disabled. That I had every right to freeze and try not to go into an episode. My manager offered zero support and accused me of lying about the assault as she didn’t see it on camera. I refused to sign the form of written contract and told me that was another violation as well. She also said that other managers have offered support for my PTSD and physical disabilities before. But I was never offered that support even in a written form. The only thing I was offered was EAP (it sucks cause those sessions don’t cure PTSD let alone offer additional support). I told my manager again and she shut the door on me. I write a notice for my resignation after that experience and was told it was going to be processed this week.

Today, I got a written notice of my termination. And my final check in a prepaid card. I asked if there was another form of payment and they said no please leave and clean out your locker. I left and with no support from my job or anything. Rather than siding with the man that stole $40 worth of items and assaulted me.

Now here’s my many choices. Sue my former employer or just let it go. Also don’t work for a job that claims to offer you a cool discount and good clothing. It’s not worth your dignity.

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