
I got fired after working two days

I don't know if this belongs here but I have watched this sub for awhile and just wanted to rant to some similar minded people. Today has sucked and I just want to get some stuff of my chest. I finished school in April and was receiving funding while in school, so I've been without income since the end of April. I started applying for jobs around a week into May and have applied to over 100 jobs since and heard back from very few, I've heard back from probably around 10-15 and done in person interviews for 5. I got hired as a housekeeper but I quit after working a few shifts because I quickly realized it wasn't for me and that the management was poor. And just went I was feeling truly hopeless and like there would be no job out there that I would actually enjoy and…

I don't know if this belongs here but I have watched this sub for awhile and just wanted to rant to some similar minded people. Today has sucked and I just want to get some stuff of my chest.

I finished school in April and was receiving funding while in school, so I've been without income since the end of April. I started applying for jobs around a week into May and have applied to over 100 jobs since and heard back from very few, I've heard back from probably around 10-15 and done in person interviews for 5. I got hired as a housekeeper but I quit after working a few shifts because I quickly realized it wasn't for me and that the management was poor. And just went I was feeling truly hopeless and like there would be no job out there that I would actually enjoy and would tick all of my boxes I got offered a position at a local events decorating business.

I was SUPER excited for this position. I haven't enjoyed my experiences working for big corporations so I thought a local, successful, family owned business would be good. And the person I interviewed with seemed young, kind, understanding, and really willing to properly train me. Plus, it would be full time, no evenings, just the occasional Saturday, and full health benefits. And I would be able to be a bit creative on the job. It just ticked all my boxes and was so excited to start.

I started on Monday. The day went super well. I had lots of fun learning about the business and starting to get a feel for what the work would be. And all of the staff seemed really lovely. I was supposed to work Tuesday but had a small health issue come up and when I messaged my supervisor about it, she seemed super understanding and told me to take the day off. I tried to offer a way for me to work around the problem, just maybe missing an hour of work, but she insisted I take it off. So I had my second day yesterday (Wednesday) and it also seemed to go super well. My supervisor told me I'd start training on the computer after my first day, but instead she had me doing some housekeeping (dusting, shredding paper, sorting files) and learning inventory. There is A LOT of inventory so I didn't finish going through everything yesterday and when I came into work, I figured I'd just continue what I was doing yesterday and if I was needed somewhere else someone would come up to me. Well an hour into my shift this morning, my supervisor tells me to come into her office.

As I walk into the office I push down the fears that I have done something wrong because I've done so much work in therapy to tell myself that it's irrational and they have no reason to fire me. I enter the office and sit down and see the piece of paper stating that my employment is being terminated. She tells me that with a heavy heart they've decided to terminate my employment and then reads through the terms of my termination. I am in so much shock. And the desperation is kicking in. I ask “have I done anything wrong” and she says “no, we have just decided that going into our busy season we would like to find someone who is a better fit” and that “there's something better out there for me.” I tell them about how no one wants to hire me and that I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I start to cry. I then say “please give me feedback or criticism or tell me what I can do” and she says “you didn't do anything wrong” and how I “did really well and there wasn't anything I could've done.” I whisper how excited I was work for them. And then I leave.

Just like that. I'm back at square one. I had turned off all of my job alerts. I was so happy to be done job hunting because it is the most life sucking thing ever. And I am once again believing there is nothing out there for me. I am in so much debt from taxes and have been borrowing money from family to pay rent. I thought I found something that would give me all that I hoped for. And they didn't even give me a fucking chance. Two days. How can you base a decision like that off of two days? I truly did not see or can think of ANY signs of disappointment or that I did anything wrong. In fact, I can only think of situations where my supervisor seemed pleased with me. So I just don't understand.

I'm not looking for advice. I just needed to rant. I'm so hurt. It's so unfair. It's so hard to find a job these days, let alone a good one. And when you think you've found it, it turns out to not be so good after all.

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