
I got fired, started a business, and now I’m firing my OG employee.

TLDR: I got fired during the pandemic (2020), started my digital consultant company, hired a person online to WFH, generated $1m+ in sales to date, fired her today for completing work. ​ I can't share this anywhere else and just wanna know your thoughts on this. ​ In 2020, I got fired by a big company during the pandemic. I was unemployed for a few months and started my own consultant company. I got a lot of clients from my past work and needed help so I hired a remote worker (very eager and fast learner, fresh college graduate). I paid her $15/hr. She stepped up her game and helped me tremendously getting high-end clients. After 3 months, I increased her pay to $30/hr. We made a total of 250k in rev that year. Our work dynamic was pretty good and we work well together. We're both happy. All is…

TLDR: I got fired during the pandemic (2020), started my digital consultant company, hired a person online to WFH, generated $1m+ in sales to date, fired her today for completing work.

I can't share this anywhere else and just wanna know your thoughts on this.

In 2020, I got fired by a big company during the pandemic. I was unemployed for a few months and started my own consultant company. I got a lot of clients from my past work and needed help so I hired a remote worker (very eager and fast learner, fresh college graduate). I paid her $15/hr. She stepped up her game and helped me tremendously getting high-end clients. After 3 months, I increased her pay to $30/hr. We made a total of 250k in rev that year. Our work dynamic was pretty good and we work well together. We're both happy.

All is good from 2021 into late 2022, and we made 350k and 500k those years. I paid her 60k in 2020 (she only worked 9 months), I paid her 120k in 2021 and 150k in 2022. (We had mandatory holidays, total of 3 weeks for the both of us and it is paid per year)

Now, the problem arose around late 2022. She was showing signs of low output and motivation to complete work. Mind you, I am the most anti-work person. I strictly work 8 hours a day and she does too. She has so much flexibility being WFH as long as the work is done. I noticed that I had to pick up her slack for late submissions and more work is piling up for the two of us.

I had to hire outside help to pick up the incomplete work. Our work load didn't change at all and actually slowed down due to the economy. We're targeting 300k in revenue this year and I can't afford to pay her the agreed payment anymore when her work is not being done on time.

We talked about her work performance early 2023 and I told her she need to pull her own weight or it's not going to work out. She agreed and things didn't change. She's still getting paid a 150k annual salary at this point (she's 1099 employee). I'm not a micro manager but I started being one and hated it. I asked her to list all the tasks she finished each day. She's slowed down and not doing the bare minimum work. I gave her a week of paid vacation for mental health and that did not improve at all.

Fast forward today, I'm at my wits end. Our clients started to complain about her work and I'm tired of it. I fired her today and felt guilty about it.

I started this company on my own and she was there from the beginning and helped me a lot. I think I am a fair boss and a generous one at that. But yeah…not sure why she would be like this when I make all the best efforts to make the work environment the best it could be–flexibility, bonuses, health insurance, gifts, etc.

Just wanna know your thoughts on this.

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