
I got my general manager fired.

I am a 20 year old female college kid working part-time at a local theater. It’s an easy job and I can do my school work there so I can’t complain much about the job itself. I work mainly with teenagers except for the one guy that I went to school with and the managers are all a couple years older so there’s a definite difference in age groups besides myself and the one guy. About 4 months ago, they hired a new GM as we had gone over a year without one due to the previous one quitting after many years. I was fine with the new GM; he wasn’t any regular employee’s first choice, but he wasn’t that bad. He really only got hired because of some biased from higher ups. Then, about two weeks after getting hired, the hellfire came about. This 30+ year old man was…

I am a 20 year old female college kid working part-time at a local theater. It’s an easy job and I can do my school work there so I can’t complain much about the job itself. I work mainly with teenagers except for the one guy that I went to school with and the managers are all a couple years older so there’s a definite difference in age groups besides myself and the one guy.

About 4 months ago, they hired a new GM as we had gone over a year without one due to the previous one quitting after many years. I was fine with the new GM; he wasn’t any regular employee’s first choice, but he wasn’t that bad. He really only got hired because of some biased from higher ups. Then, about two weeks after getting hired, the hellfire came about.

This 30+ year old man was yelling at teenagers and often making them cry. He hadn’t yelled at me or raised his voice, so I never witnessed it. But everyone else had and many employees even had customers apologizing to them. One girl (who was and still is only 17) was also sexually assaulted by him, but because I don’t know all of the details, I won’t go into that.

Two months had past, coming to the three month mark, meaning he had yelled at just about everyone except for me and the other guy my age. He even yelled at his autistic brother who works there once a week whom I adore. I was working with two other people, one of them about to leave at 4. I was scheduled until 5. For some reason he had me switch out my register for another worker coming in, but he never assigned him to it in our system. So we had one worker unassigned to a register, and one register open that the other girl was assigned to. We got a rush and our only solution was to run the girl’s register until we could find my GM who had been disappearing all day. I messed up on an order and had to find him to void it.

I finally found him, sitting on the floor upstairs, and explained what was happening. We come down, and he realizes I’m on a register I shouldn’t be. I say that I’m sorry and that the other worker couldn’t sign in. Turns out he had assigned him right before I found him and never told us. I go to help the other worker and my GM comes up and yells at me so I left.

I text my district manager asking to talk to him the next day about everything. I write a statement about my experiences and what I have witnessed so far (him being on dating apps, texting, yelling at us, etc.). My DM is furious. I come into work the Tuesday after that, knowing I had asked everyone to send the DM a message about everything the GM has done. I leave my shift that Tuesday, watching my GM come in as I clock out. My DM and another person from corporate are already in the office and close the door behind my GM. I look through the tiny window and see my DM red in the face with anger. This was a guy who wasn’t overly sweet, but he was never angry. He was quickly fired.

Turns out, GM wanted to fire me that day he yelled at me but didn’t get the chance to. His brother was on our side.

Sucks to suck. Maybe he’ll learn to not yell at workers half his age.

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